
Module 1 – Test

Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6

Module 1 – Test

Check the information you have acquired and answer the following questions

You can take the test as many times as you want. If your answer is incorrectly, you can return to the form and review the required parts.

The selected questions from this section will be included in the final test.

What is a micro-enterprise ?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the acronym SME?

Correct! Wrong!

Micro-enterprises represent the 99% of all businesses in the EU

Correct! Wrong!

What does the acronym SBA mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What are the SBA's aims?

Correct! Wrong!

The heart of SBA policy is ...

Correct! Wrong!

SBA key points...

Correct! Wrong!

The principle Think Small first ...

Correct! Wrong!

(EN) Module 1 - test
Well done!
It looks like you mastered the 1st module, now you are ready to proceed to module 2 🙂
Nearly there!
Your efforts definitely paid off! However, we recommend to read the 1st module's material once more before moving on to module 2 🙂
Lack of focus
We recommend to return to the "study material" section. Read carefully the material there. It is important to know all the basic information from module 1, before proceeding to module 2.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Information reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
For more information contact: projektai@paneveziodrmc.lt