The Chambers of Commerce support companies in the process of simplifying administrative procedures. The are three essential functions of the Chambers of Commerce :
1. administrative functions;
2. market regulation functions;
3. promotional functions.
To be updated about the activities of the Chambers of Commerce – entrepreneurship, start-ups, European regulations – it is possible to subscribe to the Newsletter on the site. Each Chamber of Commerce in the territory has information and staff branches available to both companies and citizens and an online assistance service.
Ecommerce Europe is the association representing more than 25.000 companies selling goods and/or services online to consumers in Europe. Ecommerce Europe is the voice of the e-commerce sector in Europe. Through its 20 national associations, Ecommerce Europe represents over 25,000 online shops across Europe. Its mission: boost the e-commerce industry by helping decision makers shape policies fit for future sustainable growth. To do so, Ecommerce Europe takes initiatives to come up with innovative market solutions and provides a platform for expert discussion, connect online retailers with relevant stakeholders. It also highlights the importance of e-commerce to the economy through the provision of in-depth research on the European and global markets. Additionally, Ecommerce Europe stimulates the industry by developing initiatives like its European Trustmark (Medai linkas – // label: – provided for free to more than 10,000 certified online shops across Europe.
To provide support and information to small and medium-sized businesses (SMES) seeking to boost their business, the Commission sponsors several support networks.
The Enterprise Europe Network The Enterprise Europe Network helps small companies make the most out of business opportunities in the EU. It is a one-stop-shop for all business needs. It provides support on access to market information, overcoming legal obstacles, and identifying potential business partners across Europe. The Enterprise Europe Network comprises about 600 partner organisations in more than 50 countries. It consists of around 3000 staff with expertise in business and innovation services for SMEs. The network is a two-way communication channel between the Commission and the SME community. It obtains opinions from SMEs about developing new legislation, taking into account initiatives set out in the Small Business Act and the Think Small First Principle. More about this: //
In the preparation phase of the course we interviewed a hundred micro companies through a series of questions concerning the use of digital tools for company promotion, use of the website, social media and possible platforms for -commerce. In this section we present the most significant data. The data collected – about a hundred – do not delineate the picture in a statistical perspective, but clearly highlight the interest of micro businesses in the digital communication and sales tools on the one hand and their substantial lack of resources – both in terms of skills both in terms of time – on the other.
84 % of the interviewed companies declared that they use the Internet’s tools to promote the company. 16 % of respondents say they do not use digital tools due to lack of time or lack of specific skills.
83 percent of survey participants, who identified themselves as Internet users for the company promotion, stated that they have a website. 36 percent of them stated, that they update the information in the webpage once per 6 months, only (13%) update it every week. The more often companies update the information in the website the more happy they are about the results of it.
The majority of the interviewed companies have declared the interest in innovative policies that allow them to face successfully the challenges of a market starting from the local context to global.
The aswear to the question: “Would you like to contract professional services for managing your company promotion in the internet?”: